The Evolution of A Soul Outside of "Time" Last Call Intensive 10.29.17
According to the Evolutionary Guides time is irrelevant to our Soul Journey. That means our cellular information, or trauma is also...
A Few Thoughts on Truth from the Guides
We are moving at light speed, into an advanced state of being. The veils which have separated us from truth for 50,000 years have been...

Awakening to Change
Dear Friends These past few weeks have been quite a struggle for many, many people. And, now as change is on the horizon people are...

Survival Fear is a weapon of the past
Survival Fear is a weapon of mass destruction, control and it has been raping humans for 50,000 years. Now, it can be a weapon of the past,

Our 30 Day Challenge for Change is Over
Just in time for us to herald in The New Times on Earth, we are at completion for the 30 day challenge for change. The Ascended Masters...

30 Day Challenge for Change
Are you ready for change? Beginning today, we (the guides and I) are challenging our readers on a quest for change. For the next 30 days,...