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"Spirituality - Priest/Priestess" Archetype

Part 2 of the "Spirituality - Priest/Priestess" Archetype tonight.

We will discuss, among other things

How do you know if you are blindly living through this matrix - identifying residual fears, blocks, belief systems which impair ore prevent the truth of your gifts from opening up and being used consciously and productively in this lifetime.

Are you "hiding: your light out of fear and past life trauma?

Do you feel "safe" in the world and trust in yourself and others?

Do you feel like you have an unidentified mission? Something more than an "ordinary" life?

Do you judge or feel judged by the non-spiritual community?

Healing the Separation within and between you and the world

The need for perfection

The suffering priestpriestess

The initiate

Illness such as cancer, HIV, auto-immune disease and these things can be a result of unhealed fears and trauma from lifetimes focused on Spirituality

Angela Nicastro - CEO 
The Science of Truth, LLCâ„¢
Creator of Starborn Awakeningâ„¢
Conscious Expansion Language
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The information provided through this writing may include energetic awareness which can create an emotional or physical response from your body. Should this happen writer takes no responsibility.  No claim is being made to treat, heal or otherwise provide medical advice.

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