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The Schedule for May;

Each Wednesday evening at 9 PM ET, we offer a web class. The web class is always a NEW TEACHING, channeled directly from the Ascended Beings, revealing ancient and previously hidden sacred information which is now provided to the masses instead of being kept only for the "spiritual initiate". We bring forth these teachings for healing, transformation, awakening and truth. I send the topic out on Tuesday or Wednesday, as it is given to me. Currently, we are working on additions, empowerment and spiritual gifts. Class fee is $29.00, and sign up is simple., payments, web class.

WEDNESDAY May 11 : Our Web Class topic this week is "Enlightenment of the Sages" - an insightful journey into the power of the ancient tribes and the sages who made them powerful and all-knowing.


The first of this class was brought through last Friday. It was a huge success for those in attendance. We are using individual Astrology/Natal Charts to discuss potential and destiny. In the initial class, Kathumi pulled up the North and South Nodes from people's charts and gave each a lengthy "reading" or tutorial on the purpose of these nodes. It was not only deeply informative, but energetically provided frequencies for transformation and fulfillment of these destiny markers.

So, We are offering a VIRTUAL class with Master Kathumi on Friday, May 13th from 8-10 PM, and PART 2 of this series on FRIDAY MAY 20, 8-10 PM. This is exciting stuff, and Kathumi is an amazing mystic, his insight is not only relevant to your life, but is filled with humor, support and truth unequaled! The class fee is $60.00. Please contact me if you wish to participate, as I need your astrological information. You will absolutely LOVE this class. And if you ever wanted to learn Astrology, this is a great place to start. It's set up like an Intensive, and every person will learn from and benefit from the entire group information and energy.


I am thrilled to offer the mini-intensive....I have been facilitating Intensives for many years now and by far, they are the deepest, most powerful source of transformation available anywhere. The normal protocol for the Intensive is done in an 8 hour format which is heavy for some to sustain. Now, we are doing the same thing in a 4 hour format. The intensive is a no nonsense approach to radical transformation, teaching the concept of responsibility to those who attend. This is like lifetimes of conventional therapy on steroids. Our language does not have words for this process.

The new Mini-Intensive has a slightly different format. It will be done between 10 AM - 2 PM, and literally offers the same intense hit, pulling from the core of your being THE deepest fears, blocks, traumas and illusions which create our life journey. Being unaware or in denial of what we carry within us leads us to life experiences and outcomes wrought with pain and sadness. Again, I can see the lie and bring forth the language of truth which will set you free.

The Dates are:

Sunday May 22, 10am - 2 pm AT MY HOUSE IN LITTLE FALLS.

Sunday June 5 10AM - 2 PM - VIRTUAL MINI-INTENSIVE -

Each Mini Intensive is $220.00 and comes with a short transmission.

This is a GROUP EVENT - again, by working collectively, everyone benefits from the information and healing done by each individual.

May 27, 7:30 PM - Our regular Friday evening class, topic to come later. This may be a second class with Master Kathumi, TBD. ($60.00).

Angela Nicastro - CEO 
The Science of Truth, LLCâ„¢
Creator of Starborn Awakeningâ„¢
Conscious Expansion Language
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The information provided through this writing may include energetic awareness which can create an emotional or physical response from your body. Should this happen writer takes no responsibility.  No claim is being made to treat, heal or otherwise provide medical advice.

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