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Immeasurable Expansion Sept. 7 - Sept. 16th

Mirror of Light Expansion

Since my last email on the September 1 Eclipse and shift event, more information has come in.

We are now in a period of "the void", a time of advancing deeper into the Core Creator Energy. This period will last until the Lunar Eclipse at 24/25' Pisces on September 16.

The meaning of this:

When we experienced the Eclipse on September 1 and within the 3 days following, the curtain on the past was closed. Imagine the curtain as energy, coming down and creating a separation from the past, painful memories stored within the DNA. Because the curtain is energetic, it can be reopened. To prevent the reopening we MUST NOT acknowledge anything which has been a problem in the past, including fear or negativity of any kind. ANYTHING which is not love must be left behind. And, if we do acknowledge and begin feeding into these fears, the curtain will reopen. You must let go for this curtain to close. Letting go means surrender those things which you cannot understand or the pain you are living in, and allow the natural course of change to happen. Do not fear this process, it is evolution.

Right now, it appears the time between September 1 and October 1 is the MOST critical time of this momentous shift. Our footing is precarious and must be carefully monitored right now. The only way to protect and ground your footing is to remain neutral, and NOT feed into negativity. No griping, complaining, drama, negativity of any kind. Keep it all closed, shut and let it remain so. If it tries to get in, even in your thoughts, close the door immediately and continue to do so going forward. You may recognize addictions coming up as you do this.

Your Power:

As this process takes hold, recognize where you have given your power away, to whom and to what. As yourself why it seemed necessary to do so? Fear will be your answer, BUT fear is a symptom, of course, rendering you powerless. It is a cycle within a cycle of behavior. Reclaim your power from those situations and recognize it is YOUR time, you are extraordinary and soon you will remember who you are.

The Shift Process Now:

Imagine two halves of a circle, the solid sides slowly moving toward each other. The circle on the left is stationary and represents the old Earth, and the right side moving circle represents the New Earth. The two "bumped" up against each other repeatedly over the past 18 months, and we felt those bumps during all of the Uranus/Pluto squares we experienced. Eventually, the bumping broke up the energy of the old earth, allowing the New Earth to enmesh itself deeply enough within the energy to form something which looks like an Eclipse of sorts.

While this was going on, in between these two Earths was a "void", a place where truth in light languages exists. As the New Earth passed over this void, those who were consciously evolving and connected to this shift were able to connect to these new languages, energetically moving them into the DNA. Now, as these two Earths separate (September 1 Eclipse), our essence is stretching across this void toward an entirely new place. And, feeling this over the past few months has been excruciatingly painful, maddening to the point where nothing could be done about it. But, only those who did the work to make space in the cellular energy could actually take this step. Everyone else dropped off before this happened. So, at this point, the majority of our essence is stretched across this void once again, while only one toe remains in the old. And, this process is accelerating rapidly.

And, the curtain: We cannot be released from the past completely and have our essence moved entirely into the new until we are absolutely clear of the fears we carried. Most visible are those core fear issues, the archetypal pieces connected to these fears, and those which put us into survival mode. DO NOT FEED THESE FEARS. They are not real, but an anchor holding you in the past. The sooner you let them go the sooner your life will change and peace will come upon you. If you feed into or acknowledge them at all, the curtain will open and you will get sucked back into the old. No matter what they seem like, they are truly illusions, and TRUST in this idea. This is truly a leap of faith. If you close the door and remain neutral, you will being witnessing the new ways. What seems like miracles will begin to happen sporadically until we are fully into the new when our way of life will be equal to this language.

As we sit in this void, we are holding space for the new, which is already created in the other realms. But, we must be completely free from the past and all fears for this to become our reality. The New is conscious creating, spontaneous creating and nothing between you and your thoughts. So, what you think and believe will appear instantly. Not like before, when it took years, decades and lifetimes to create ONE manifestation here. This is no more. We are truly living outside of time, and therefore, not affected by gravity or our past.

Clarity Consciousness:

The Shadow Readings are still available. This was not affected by the September 7th deadline. We are doing them for rapid movement, so the fear can be expelled and critical acceleration can take place. I am still scheduling sessions for these and the other sessions, including Body Scans and Tribal Marker Sessions.

I will also remind you about the Sacred Body Scan process as well. The scan provides one with everything, on every level, which is needed at this time. This process is done through the Star Beings and your personal guides along with the Ascended Masters. Because this is truly advanced physics, energy technology and the languages of our origin, it WILL address every part of your essence, including past and future aspects of you. We work outside of time, so all comes together during this process. And it belongs only to The Science of Truth and Starborn Awakening. This process of healing and restoration is brilliant, immeasurably powerful and provides awareness, enlightenment, expansion, awakening, organic alignment and much, much more. In fact it is SO expanded, we do not have full capability to express it in our language on Earth, but be assured, it WILL provide you with all that you need to rapidly re-align with your core organic self. These scans are only done absentee. ($125)


I am having class on Friday, September 9th - holding the space - I have always held the space for the Galactic Beings to come through. We have created much together, including portals which allow us to "time travel" in these bodies. We live outside of time anyway, but because of gravity we never understood this concept. Experience creates "time" through memory, and memory is stored in in the cells through gravity. But, we cannot live in this way anymore. If we do, our lives will become increasingly difficult, as our senses heighten and awareness of limitation also heightens. This is extremely painful for all Starborns, as they awaken to their truth and feel the restrictions preventing them from accessing their core languages here on Earth. Hence, the rebirth happens so we can become all that we innately are, here, now and with access to all truth.

Our class will be a continuation energetically of our process, along with the channeled teaching the guides always bring through. Remember, CRITICAL time right now, walking on a tight rope, Don't look down, back, up or any other way. Eyes, heart and mind straight ahead - even if straight ahead looks like an abyss. All that you are is waiting for you there. These Friday classes are very advanced, conceptually and energetically. But, we make it available for everyone because of the energetics of the process.

The class is held at my home in Little Falls, 7:30 PM and class fee is $60,00. Also available as an MP3 download.

Its not too late to help yourself. This is necessary preparation for our own well being and awakening process. This work was created as a 19 year teaching and transformation so we could provide the necessary tools, insight, energy and information for those who came to Earth at this time because of this shift. We are here to help in whatever way you need assistance, even if YOU don't know what that is. IF you are experiencing "abnormal life process symptoms" or emotional trauma, physical discomfort, or "feelings of depression, including wanting to die or leave, and fear of insanity" I CAN HELP YOU! You just need to schedule a session, the guides know EXACTLY where you are in this and know what you need.

I will also remind you about the Sacred Body Scan process as well. The scan provides one with everything, on every level, which is needed at this time. This process is done through the Star Beings and your personal guides along with the Ascended Masters. Because this is truly advanced physics, energy technology and the languages of our origin, it WILL address every part of your essence, including past and future aspects of you. We work outside of time, so all comes together during this process. And it belongs only to The Science of Truth and Starborn Awakening. This process of healing and restoration is brilliant, immeasurably powerful and provides awareness, enlightenment, expansion, awakening, organic alignment and much, much more. In fact it is SO expanded, we do not have full capability to express it in our language on Earth, but be assured, it WILL provide you with all that you need to rapidly re-align with your core organic self. These scans are only done absentee. ($125)

Beings of the Galactic Hierarchy and Masters of Light thank you for your service and urge you to heal for yourself now. They are here to serve and provide what is needed.

I will post updated information on soon as it comes through. We need to watch this window and pay close attention to what is happening in and around us an in the mirror of others - stay connected to your inner core and don't step off the the tight rope. Your body ALWAYS knows the truth, heed those gut reactions and follow them even if it appears irrational to do so. We are not living in the realms of "RATIONAL" anymore, we are moving to a new way of living and it does not fit in the BOXES of the old ways. We are breaking free and breaking out, moving forward at warp speed.

If you missed the last e-mail regarding the September 1 Eclipse, it is posted on More to come on the September 16th Lunar Eclipse Event. And, Mercury will continue retrograde until September 22, giving us mental clarity, focus, and an incredible opportunity to get in deeper into our own unconscious self to connect to the TRUTH and what is real within us. We cannot deny ourselves this truth any longer. Lies and fear create disease, loss and death. We have a chance to change this process and live long, healthy and vital lives. We must live in the language of truth (unconditional love) for this to happen. We can and will do it. Emotional pain and unhappiness are not caused by others, they are caused because we gave our power away and ALLOW others to keep it from us. Love is all power and we must love ourselves at the core of our essence. Move on and your life will unfold brilliantly and unexpectedly!

And because Mercury is retrograde, I have probably left some information out of this e-mail. So, we are all in this together !

Angela Nicastro - CEO 
The Science of Truth, LLCâ„¢
Creator of Starborn Awakeningâ„¢
Conscious Expansion Language
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